Uh oh...
...Comedy Central caves to the demands of Terrorist Wannabes.Baltimore Sun:It's not even that the terrorists have won, it's that wannabe terrorists have won.A group called Revolution Muslim, which by...
View ArticleArizona Bill….What would Reagan think?
Who really knows? No one speaks on behalf of the dead. But I think this article by Alfonso Aguilar offers some good food for thought and cautionary advice (read it from the beginning, regarding why...
View Article"That's what we do. We're Americans."
How did I miss this?!Oh, yeah....'cause it probably wasn't covered by CNN, MSNBC, CBS....From an NRA annual meeting in 2009, speech given by Lt. Col. Oliver North:Hat tip: C.J.
View ArticleMemorial Day
Sorry about the Google alert warning of possible malware infection....don't know yet how to resolve it. In the meantime, if you're here, thank you for your continued visitation.I love this blog, and...
View ArticleMohammed
A teenage Iraqi interpreter, code name "Roy," served with a reconnaisance platoon in Iraq in 2007. (Blake Hall)Iraq war critic, Thomas Ricks, links to a WaPo story by retired Army captain Blake Hall...
View ArticleArticle 5
Johnny Spann stood in gently falling snow and wistfully recalled the day his son, CIA officer Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann, lingered among the tombstones at Arlington National Cemetery, studying each...
View ArticleWas Bush Right on TARP?
"I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system,"- President George W. Bush, December 16, 2008 on CNNMost conservatives just slapped their heads and groaned in consternation over...
View ArticleVeterans Day- "The Pledge"
To those past and present who serve in our military, THANK YOU! Our nation owes its peace and prosperity to your service and sacrifice. An extended thank you to the military families who support you.
View ArticleTorture doesn't work...Ok, so then, where's the disagreement?
ARLINGTON, VA - DECEMBER 15: (L-R) US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, US President George W. Bush and US Vice President Dick Cheney attend the Armed Forces Farewell Tribute to Rumsfeld at the...
View ArticleMemorial Day Remembrance
Two of my posts are up at Flopping Aces:VideosMark Daily revisited
View Article11
The date of the terrorist attack is frozen on a calendar covered in ash at a bank on Broadway, about a block from the World Trade Center. The bank has not reopened. (By David Karp, AP)
View ArticleFrom Yorktown to Ramadi
"It was not the Declaration of Independence that gave us freedom but the Continental Army"-Leif Babin, former Navy SEAL officer Let's remember on Memorial Day—and every other day, for that matter—that...
View ArticleMadison Rising and the Star-Spangled Banner
For the most part, I cringe whenever someone takes something like the National Anthem and in an attempt to inject some new life and interpretation into it, takes such liberties with the work that it...
View ArticleThe Greatest Play in Baseball History
I will give any of you who can identify the story behind this photo a patriotic hi five without Googling and before clicking below for the information. (A video clip of the incident appears in my...
View ArticleFighting to Restore a Free Society
Charles Koch responds to critics like Harry Reid in today's WSJ:A truly free society is based on a vision of respect for people and what they value. In a truly free society, any business that...
View ArticleArticle 0
It has been said, "time heals all wounds." I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, (protecting its sanity), covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But, it is never gone.-Rose...
View ArticleCIA Interrogator Breaks His Silence
Dianne Feinstein's so-called 6,300 page "torture report" (executive summary is 500 pages "only")- after 5 years and $40 million in taxpayer money- is slated to be released very soon. Perhaps this...
View ArticleHappy Thanksgiving!
There’s an old story about a fellow who went to a small town in Missouri with the thought of possibly moving his family there. “What kind of people live around here?” he asked the attendant at the...
View ArticleToday is Tuesday...
SourceRemembering David, Ron, Daniel.... Video description: Uploaded on Sep 5, 2008 These tiles were put up on the fence across the street from St. Vincent's, the hospital in the Village where they...
View ArticleA Solemn Memorial Day
Sorry about the dust and cobwebs, here. Yes, I still blog on occasion."Wednesday night, sitting in a pizza joint in the Bronx, watching the world go by, I was upset and couldn’t put my finger on why....
View ArticleRemembering Major Andrew Olmsted, 12 years later....
"Only the dead have seen the end of war." -Plato This is not a political post. This is an American post. About an American soldier. An outstanding milblogger who some of you may have followed....
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